4 ways to share information through different MS Teams teams

Last time I thought about, what would be a good way to share information in MS Teams through different project teams but with overlapping interests. There should be a practical approach to do that without having to duplicate the content of work. Later this year, respectively in preview for MS and selected customers, it will… 4 ways to share information through different MS Teams teams weiterlesen

Skype for Business Local Configuration Store setup fails in installation of prerequisite SQL instance

In environments with hardened server images it could happens, that you will get the following error, if the user account, which you are using for installation of LCS, doesn’t have special rights, mentioned below. “Prerequisite installation failed: SqlInstanceRtcLocal For more information, check your SQL Server log files. Log files are in the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft… Skype for Business Local Configuration Store setup fails in installation of prerequisite SQL instance weiterlesen

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